Investor Relations Policy Statement
- Introduction
- The Manager is committed to keeping all Unitholders and other stakeholders regularly informed about SERT’s financial results and operating performance and immediately upon any change in its business that could materially affect the price or value of the Units, to assist Unitholders and investors in their investment decisions.
- The Manager has a dedicated investor relations team that runs a proactive investor outreach programme. SERT’s investor communications activities are governed by (1) this investor relations policy and (2) SERT’s market disclosure protocol.
- The investor relations policy outlines the principles and practices followed by the Manager to ensure regular, effective and fair two-way communication with the investment community. The manager strives to go beyond one-way disclosures to Unit holders. This means maintaining regular two-way communication and active solicitation of the views of Unitholders across a range of strategic and topical issues
- The market disclosure protocol ensures that:
- SERT immediately discloses all price-sensitive information to the SGX-ST in accordance with the Listing Rules;
- All Unitholders have equal and timely access to material information concerning SERT, including its financial position, performance, owners
- Purpose
- This Investor Relations Policy outlines the principles and practices followed by the Manager of Stoneweg European REIT (SERT) to ensure regular, effective and fair communication of accurate and timely information to the investment community.
- Communication Guidelines
- The Manager communicates to Unitholders and the investment community in a clear and factual manner.
- The Manager communicates with the investment community and the media only through designated spokespersons, who will regularly engage Unitholders and the investment community to address any concerns and solicit feedback.
- As a general rule, the Manager will not respond to any rumours or market speculation. However, in the event that information or rumours indicate material information has been leaked or is inaccurate or otherwise to avoid the establishment of a false market in the units of SERT, clarifications will be made as soon as practicable through SGXNET in accordance with the listing rules of the SGX-ST.
- Financial Results Announcements
- Stoneweg European REIT currently announces summary financial results four times a year and detailed financial statements every 6 months, in line with SGX-ST listing requirements. Announcement materials may include financial statements and supplementary materials such as results presentations and media releases.
- All previous quarterly and annual financial statements, presentation slides and press releases are available on SERT’s website. This information is also typically published on SERT’s LinkedIn site.
- Media and analyst briefings are conducted by the Manager on the announcement date of half-year and full-year financial results. Where applicable, archived recordings are also made available on SERT’s website post a briefing for up to a year.
- Full-year and half-year announcements are typically accompanied by video messages intended for general audience that the investor relations team uploads on SERT’s website and on SERT’s LinkedIn site.
- The Manager observes a “blackout period” and will refrain from commenting on SERT’s financial performance and industry outlook two weeks before the release of its quarterly results and one month before the release of its full-year results as per the listing rules of the SGX-ST.
- Market-relevant General Announcements and Property Information
- Other than financial results announcements, the Manager publicises other market-relevant general corporate announcements, media releases, investor presentations and annual and sustainability reports on SGX-ST in a timely manner and concurrently makes them available on the REIT’s website at, investor relations section.
- Press releases and presentation decks of property acquisitions and disposals are available on SERT’s corporate website. A lookbook with the latest valuation and occupancy rates of all assets is also available on the corporate website. These are to provide Unitholders and the investment community with a better understanding of SERT’s portfolio and their respective submarkets.
- Annual and Sustainability Reports
- Other than financial results announcements, the Manager publicises other market-relevant general corporate announcements, media releases, investor presentations and annual and sustainability reports on SGX-ST in a timely manner and concurrently makes them available on the REIT’s website at, investor relations section.
- Press releases and presentation decks of property acquisitions and disposals are available on SERT’s corporate website. A lookbook with the latest valuation and occupancy rates of all assets is also available on the corporate website. These are to provide Unitholders and the investment community with a better understanding of SERT’s portfolio and their respective submarkets.
- General Meetings
- Unitholders are informed of the general meetings, together with the relevant rules and voting procedures of such meetings with applicable notice periods. Notices of the general meetings along with proxy forms and forms to request a printed copy of the Annual Report are mailed to the Unitholders within the SGX-ST requisite notice period and also advertised in the press and issued on SGXNet.
- Unitholders are able to appoint proxies to vote on their behalf in accordance with the Trust Deed of SERT should they be unable to attend the meeting in person.
- All Unitholders are given the opportunity to participate effectively in and vote at general meetings. At general meetings, Unitholders are encouraged to communicate their views and discuss matters affecting SERT with the Board and Management. Every effort is made for representatives of the Trustee, Directors (including the chairpersons of the Board and the ARC), the Manager’s senior management and the external auditors of SERT, to be present (physically or via electronic means) at general meetings to address any queries from Unitholders, including Unitholders’ queries about the conduct of audit and the preparation and content of the auditors’ reports.
- To safeguard Unitholders’ interests and rights, a separate resolution is proposed for each substantially separate issue at general meetings. To ensure transparency in the voting process and better reflect Unitholders’ interest, the Manager conducts electronic poll voting for all the resolutions proposed at the general meetings. Voting procedures are explained and vote tabulations are disclosed at the general meetings.
- Communications with the Investment Community
- SERT proactively engages with the investment community through regular, effective and fair communication.
- In addition to formal results briefings and dialogues, the Manager also communicates operational and financial performance updates, SERT’s strategy and initiatives and solicits the investment community’s views through various means, such as investor relations and senior management team participation in local and regional conferences, one-on-one meetings, group teleconferences, site visits as well as post-results investor briefings.
- SERT Website
- All publicly available information including annual reports, sustainability reports, press releases, presentations, factsheets and property videos are available on SERT’s corporate website at
- SERT’s trading price is reflected on the website with 10-minutes delay. Stock fundamentals are also available on the website. Unitholders may subscribe to email alerts at: to receive company announcements and releases on SGXNET.
- Unitholders are encouraged to send in their general inquiries to All valid inquiries will be attended to in a timely fashion, generally within three to five business days.
- Unitholders’ Enquiries
For updating of personal particulars, please contact CDP at:
Central Depository (CDP Customer Services)
Address: 9 North Buona Vista Drive, #01-19/20, The Metropolis, Singapore 138588
Tel: (65) 6535 7511
Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.00pm, Saturday: 8.30am to 12.00pmUnitholders may contact the unit registrar at:
Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd.
Address: 50 Raffles Place, #32-01 Singapore Land Tower, Singapore 048623
Tel: +65 6536 5355
Fax: + 65 6536 1360
For Enquiries:
For Share Registry Services: SRS_ClientServices@boardroomlimited.comUnitholders may send in general inquiries to
For any specific investor relations enquiries, please email your questions directly to:
Chief Operating Officer and Head of Investor Relations, Elena Arabadjieva or +65 6920 7539