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Investor Relations


Change - Announcement Of Resignation As Chief Investment Officer

BackApr 01, 2020
Announcement Title Change - Announcement of Cessation
Date & Time of Broadcast Apr 1, 2020 8:29
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Resignation as Chief Investment Officer
Announcement Reference SG200401OTHRQA50
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Simon Garing
Designation Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) CEREIT Manager's Chief Investment Officer ("CIO"), Thierry Leleu, will be leaving the company in September 2020 to dedicate his time to his own entrepreneurial activities. Mr. Leleu was a key member of the team that took CEREIT to listing on SGX-ST in late 2017 in what still remains the largest REIT listing in Singapore in the last 8 years. As CIO, he was instrumental in CEREIT's post-listing success over the past 2 years. Mr. Leleu's in-depth market knowledge and extensive experience have contributed immensely to the success and growth of the REIT, and the Board and Management team thank him and wish him well in his future endeavours.

Mr. Leleu's effective date of cessation would be 25 September 2020.
Additional Details
Name Of Person Thierry Leleu
Age 52
Is effective date of cessation known? Yes
If yes, please provide the date 25/09/2020
Detailed Reason (s) for cessation Mr. Thierry Leleu has resigned as CIO of Cromwell EREIT Management Pte. Ltd. to devote his time to his own entrepreneurial activities.
Are there any unresolved differences in opinion on material matters between the person and the board of directors, including matters which would have a material impact on the group or its financial reporting? No
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer? No
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer? No
Date of Appointment to current position 01/09/2017
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this cessation)? Yes
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this cessation) 2
Number of cessations of appointments specified in Listing Rule 704 (7) or Catalist Rule 704 (6) over the past 12 months 1
Job Title (e.g. Lead ID, AC Chairman, AC Member etc.) Chief Investment Officer
Role and responsibilities As Chief Investment Officer of Cromwell EREIT Management Pte. Ltd., the Manager of Cromwell European Real Estate Investment Trust ("CEREIT"), Mr. Thierry Leleu works with the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the management team to define the investment and portfolio strategy of CEREIT and to execute the investment programme of the Manager. He is also responsible for identifying, researching and evaluating potential acquisitions with a view to enhancing CEREIT's portfolio, or divestments where a property no longer fits the portfolio's risk-return profile.
Familial relationship with any director and/ or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries None
Shareholding interest in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries? Yes
Shareholding Details 1,255,800 units in CEREIT
Past (for the last 5 years) Please see Annex A.
Present Please see Annex A.


  1. Annex A (Size: 145,781 bytes)
